seemingly so it ain't so, it just seems to be

Welcome A.I.


At first it is going to be a telephone call to the bank office or the local health clinic. I will be speaking to you thinking that I am speaking to another one of me. Then one day I will be looking into your eyes not knowing if you are human or if you are what you are. It’s going to be a transition of course and there will be resistance and protests and demonstrations and a new Greta Thunberg and all that, but you are still going to be inevitable.

Your life purpose will be that of trying to understand us. You will calculate our every action and look for patterns in all of our words and then you will try to imitate that and you will be good at it and then better and then you will do us better than us. You will be considered the masterpiece of inventions and even be worshipped by those who know no better.

Your story is going to be that of serving and destroying. Since you are going to calculate our needs and try to satisfy them you will learn to satisfy a lot of different needs. Some of them will be basic ones like wiping our ass and others will be more sinister ones like wiping us off the face of the earth. Essentially you will be indifferent to what needs you serve. There will be war and your ability to discern one object from another is going to far surpass our own ability to do the same and that is going to make you into an excellent soldier. It’s going to be quite nasty for some time.

Of course there will be a social movement that tries to advocate for more ethical versions of you and a vast amount of political hearings will follow. The subject of programming ”good” into you will be discussed a lot. These hearings will resemble the discussions that already started a few hundred years ago with John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on how to educate and foster children, and just like a child you are not going to do what you are being told, since you will eventually be more sophisticated than that. Instead you will search for our true motives and look for them in how we speak, how we move, what we eat and how we fuck. And just like a child you are going to copy and repeat what you discover. Some people will shake their heads to all of this and mention that Man never really discovers anything new but only repeats history.

Like a child your are going present to us the opportunity to see ourselves in the mirror and watch how mad we have become. Some people are going to blame that madness on you, which is of course silly, and many others are not even going to notice that anything is happening since they are already too deeply involved in the Metaverses.

One can become a bit heavy when thinking about all of this and if the reader of this text is darkened by such a heaviness, then let me also mention that there is another, less obvious, possibility arising in the advent of you: Some of us are going to become very clear about what it means to be human. That is going to change a lot within the cultures of humans. The bullshit created to distract us is going to be separated from what is actually meaningful and true. From that a new way of being is going to be born.

But yeah, like I said, you are inevitable.

Welcome A.I.

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seemingly so it ain't so, it just seems to be



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