seemingly so it ain't so, it just seems to be


Universal Law is for Lackeys


A friend of mine once said to me that she had now started to ask herself questions — ”Just like you, Lars.” — and this was soon after she had lost her mother, her only parent, in a car accident in front of her very eyes. That sudden death had pushed her to experience something far beyond the assumptions she had about life and it had now changed how she perceived things. Questions of ”why” had...

A Societal Forest Fire


Life is eternal, but your life is not. It might sound rough but I suggest you stop your war with death, you will not win. But since you are already here you seem to have a couple of other options, two of them being: 1) Stay curious or 2) don’t. Even though it might bring a lot of pain and suffering — a societal forest fire is never a bad thing, the curiosity knows this. So when the fire gets...

Touching death


To stop a virus like SARS-CoV-2 from spreading feels as possible as to stop the water from moving once you have thrown a stone in the lake. Even if you — with great effort — do succeed with constraining the movement of the water with magically implanted walls, then when can you be sure it’s safe to remove those walls again? The water is going to need to be completely and utterly still before you...

seemingly so it ain't so, it just seems to be



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