seemingly so

it ain't so, it just seems to be

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A thread of Tea

When you ask me how it all started I can only answer that it was nothing short of a mystery. But I do remember one occasion when I suddenly had a bag of loose leafs of Jin Xuan Tea (金萱) at home. I don’t know where it came from but it was there and it was the real deal and it was amazing to drink. That was perhaps five years ago and if one would pry inside of a typical Swedish tea drawer at that...

The Story of the Golden Tips — Part one

I was carried by a donkey when crossing the border into India and the night was dark and my body was weak from many days of diarrhea. The border was supposed to open at 6 AM, but at 5 AM I knew I couldn’t hold it in anymore and you know what they say — desperate times call for desperate measures — so I explained the situation to the Nepalese border guards and they let me cross the border...

Impossible sharing

When me and Alice Ekelund crossed Himalaya and on the day we entered Nepal I remember one thought that ran through my mind: ”Good luck trying to Google this.” Since then I have been trying and trying to translate my experiences from that time, to make them somewhat possible to sense from the perspective of another. I don’t know why I want to do that, but this morning I woke up and looked out the...

The Tea Triangle

I think I can see why we both had that strong sense of lightness at that time. It followed us around like a guardian angel and as we entered Myanmar through the border of Moreh-Tamu it made our steps fly on the roadside while searching for a place to stay that night. We had crossed the great river of Brahmaputra a few days before and now we seemed to have left yet another natural border behind...


I had met Her and it suddenly seemed like the whole body realized what it meant to fully feel that. It was terrifying and it felt like a straight and steep road that made every moment go faster and faster. During those days my mornings in the bed were very long and I lay still as a stone and felt the world eat my anxiety up and slowly turn it into love and so it was revealed to me, piece by...

A story about green tea

My best time at the ashram was when I left it behind me and saw it disappear in the rear mirror of the car knowing that I was done with that place. The temples became jungle and the jungle became villages and the villages came more often until they were all city and soon we were sitting in a tight lobby of a cheap hotel in downtown Kochi and I was very relieved not to be in the grip of the Guru...

En historia om rött té

Världens tak kallar man ibland den omfattande platå som ligger norr om Himalaya-massivet. Det finns också andra namn, men för att inte utsätta mig själv för onödiga risker så väljer jag att inte använda dem, för när man talar om denna del av världen så gäller det att väga sina ord på guldvåg, särskilt om man en dag vill återvända dit. Och det vill man om man en gång varit där för det finns få...

Small goats in Thailand

As the taxi arrived so very early that Tuesday morning it soon became very clear that the once hopeful and lively Suvarnabhumi airport was now hollow and full of contempt. I removed my bags from the cab, paid the driver and started my walk to enter the huge complex. The gatekeepers seemed to be happy about my arrival, but that was about all of the ”the country of smiles” that still had survived...

Let’s call it Seeking

— He is such a seeker, is something that people tend to say when they want to describe a person with spiritual pursuits. For practical purposes it might be better to speak about seekers in that limited way, but nonetheless let me bring some clarity into the wording: The seeking dynamic is everywhere. If you are reading this text it is most probably in you. On a surface level it does tend to look...

A Societal Forest Fire

Life is eternal, but your life is not. It might sound rough but I suggest you stop your war with death, you will not win. But since you are already here you seem to have a couple of other options, two of them being: 1) Stay curious or 2) don’t. Even though it might bring a lot of pain and suffering — a societal forest fire is never a bad thing, the curiosity knows this. So when the fire gets...

seemingly so it ain't so, it just seems to be



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